

  • It can be divided into various sub branches.
  • This branch was founded by Laxman Chauhan who himself belonged to Shakambhari Naresh Vakpati.
  • Kirtipal Chauhan of Nadole branch defeated Samant Singh in 1177 A.D. and acquired Mewar.


  • In 1205 A.D., Chauhan of Jalore got merged along with it.
  • Kirtipal Chauhan, the last ruler of Nadole branch, established Jalore State in 1184 A.D.
  • Kirtipal was titled as ‘Keetu- ek Mahan Raja’ by Nainsi.
  • After winning over Siwana Fort in 1308 A.D., Alauddin Khilji handed it to his man Kamaluddin Gurg and named the place as Kherabad.
  • In 1311 A.D., Alauddin Khilji attacked Jalore Fort and defeated Kanhad dev Chauhan and killed his son Veeramdev. Second Johar of Rajasthan, took place in this fort.
  • According to Hasan Nizami, enemies could never open the door and enter inside.
  • It was mentioned in ‘Nainsi ki Khyat’ that Though Kanhad dev initially accepted Khilji’s rule and sent his son to Delhi. Shahzadi Firoza, daughter of Khilji proposed to marry Veeramdev but he rejected and insulted the princess. This led to an attack on Jalore. Veeramdev’s decapitated head was taken to Delhi where Shahzadi Firoza died by jumping in Yamuna river along with this head.
  • Alauddin renamed the fort of Jalore as Jalalabad.
  • He constructed a Mosque and Alai Gate.
  • After the death of Kanhad Dev, this branch of rulers came to an end.


  • Chauhans of Devra branch of Jalore ruled in Sirohi.
  • It was established by Lumba in 1311.
  • King Sashmal build a new city Sirohi in 1425 A.D. to replace Chandravati, the old capital because of continuous attack of Muslims.
  • Akhairaj Devra, also known as ‘Udna Akhairaj’, supported Rana Sanga in battle of Khanwa against Babar in 1527.
  • Berisal of this clan, accepted British’s East India Company rule by signing a treaty with them in 1823.
  • Last ruler of the Sirohi was Abhay Singh.


  • Hadauti area comprises of Kota, Bundi, Jhalawar and Baran.
  • Ealrier these all collectively fall under Bundi region ehich was named on the ruler, Bunda Meena.
  • Meena was defeated by Chauhan Dev (Dev Singh), in 1241 and Chauhan rule was established.
  • Chauhan Dev was descendant of Chauhans of Nadde.
  • This dynasty came to known as ‘Hada Chauhan’.
  • Kota became as capital under Bundi in 1274.
  • In 1631, Jahangir set apart Bundi from Kota and gave it to Madho Singh which was later given to his son Ratan Singh by Shahjahan.
  • Rao Chhatar Saal (1631-1650) – He was made Governor of Delhi by Dara Sikoh and therefore he favoured him in the battle of Samugarh against Aurangazeb and died.
  • Rao Anirudh (1681-1695) – He constructed ‘Chourasi Khambo ki Chattri’ in Bundi.
  • Maharao Budh Singh (1695-1730) – After the death of Aurangzeb, he supported Bhadur Shah I whereas Ram Singh of Kota was with Prince Azim. This led to rivalry between Kota and Bundi. Budh Singh was given title of ‘Maharao Rana’ By Bahadur Shah I.
  • Maharao Vishnu Singh – He signed treaty with East India Company on 10 February 1818.
  • Maharaja Saam Singh (1831-1889)- During his reign, poet Suryamaal Mishr wrote ‘Vansh Bhaskar’.


  • Madho Singh (1631-1648) – He was son of Rao Ratan Singh. He was handed over the rule of Kota.
  • Maharaja Mukund Singh (1648-1658) – He supported Dara Shikoh and died during a battle.
  • Ram Singh (1696-1707) – He fought for Muhammad Azam Khan in the battle for Jajau against Bahadur Shah I after death of Aurangzeb.
  • Maharao Bheem Singh I (1707-1720) – He was so influenced by Vallabh Community, that he named himself as ‘Krishna Das’ and changed the name of Kota to ‘Nandagram ka Barsana’. He also won Gagron Fort and built Sawariya ji temple in Baran. He was honoured with the title of Mahi Bharativ of Maharao by Mughals.
  • Maharao Shattru Saal (1756-1764) – In battle of Bhatwada , he defeated Sawai Madho Singh under the leadership of Jhala Zalim Singh in 1761.
  • Maharao Ummed Singh (1770-1819) – On 26 December 1817, he entered into a treaty with East India Company. Governor General of Bengal Lord Hastings was the also present that time.
  • Bheem Rao II – he was the last ruler of Kota and played a crucial role in integrating Rajasthan into one state.


  • Around 1/3 part of Kota was separated and named as Jhalawar by Jhala Madan Singh. It was later given to East India Company in 1938.
  • Bhawani Natyashala was built by Maharaja Bhawani Singh in Jhalawar.
  • Rao Surjan (1154-1585) – After losing the battle of the Ranthambore, he surrendered before Akbar. In return, he got title of ‘Rao Raja’ by Mughals and even received 5000 mansub. He also made famous Surjan and Bundi paintings. He constructed ‘Ranchor ji’ temple in Dwarka. It is said that in this temple only Mirabai got disappeared while dancing with idol of Krishna. His court scholar Chaandrashekhar wrote ‘Surjan Charitra and ‘Hammir Haat’.
  • Rao Ratan Singh (1607-1631) – Mughal emperor Jahangir honroured him with tht title of ‘Sir Buland Rai’ and ‘Ram Raj’ for his beautiful paintings of fauna and flora.
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Just Prep Raj

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